API Reference

Problem configuration

The following methods are available inside the overridden method BaseProblem::Config().

void setSlug(string slug)

Sets the slug of the problem. A slug is a nickname or code for the problem. The produced test case filenames will have the slug as prefix. For example, if the slug is “helloworld” then one valid test case filename is “helloworld_1.in”.

If not specified, the default slug is "problem".

void setTimeLimit(int timeLimitInSeconds)

Sets the time limit of the problem, in seconds. This time limit is used in submission simulation.

void setMemoryLimit(int memoryLimitInMegabytes)

Sets the memory limit of the problem, in MB. This memory limit is used in submission simulation.

void setMultipleTestCasesCount(int &countVariable)

Sets countVariable to hold the total number of test cases in a single file, in multiple test cases per file problems.

Input/output variables

There are three supported types of variables:

Variables of built-in integral types (int, long long, char, etc.), built-in floating-point types (float, double), and std::string.
std::vector<T>, where T is a scalar type as defined above. Arrays (T[]) are not supported.
std::vector<std::vector<T>>, where T is a scalar type as defined above. 2D arrays (T[][]) are not supported.

Input/output segments

The following macros are available inside the overridden method BaseProblem::InputFormat() and BaseProblem::OutputFormat().


Defines an empty line.

LINE(comma-separated elements)

Defines a single line containing space-separated scalar or vector variables. In case of vector variables, the elements are separated by spaces as well.

element is one of:

  • <scalar variable name>.
  • <vector variable name> % SIZE(<number of elements>). The number of elements can be a constant or a scalar variable.
  • <vector variable name>. Here, the number of elements is unspecified. This kind of element must occur last in a line segment, if any. Elements will be considered until new line is found.

For example:

void InputFormat() {
    LINE(A % SIZE(3), B);
    LINE(M, C % SIZE(M));

With N = 2, A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {100, 200, 300, 400}, M = 2, C = {7, 8}, the above segments will produce:

1 2 3 100 200 300 400
2 7 8
LINES(comma-separated vector/matrix variable names) % SIZE(number of elements)

Defines multiple lines, each consisting space-separated elements of given vector/matrix variables.

For example:

void InputFormat() {
    LINES(V) % SIZE(2);
    LINES(X, Y) % SIZE(N);

With V = {1, 2}, X = {100, 110, 120}, Y = {200, 210, 220}, N = 3, the above segments will produce:

100 200
110 210
120 220

If a matrix variable is given, it must occur as the last argument, and the number of rows must match with the number of elements of the other vector variables (if any). It is not required that each row of the matrix consists of the same number of columns.

For example:

void InputFormat() {
    LINES(op, data) % SIZE(2);

With op = {“UPDATE, “QUERY”}, data = {{3, 5}, {7}}, the above segments will produce:

GRID(matrix variable name) % SIZE(number of rows, number of columns)

Defines a grid consisting elements of a given matrix variable. If the given matrix variable is of type char, the elements in each row is not space-separated, otherwise they are space-separated.

For example:

void InputFormat() {
    GRID(G) % SIZE(2, 2);
    GRID(H) % SIZE(R, C);

With G = {{‘a’, ‘b’}, {‘c’, ‘d’}}, H = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, R = 2, C = 3, the above segments will produce:

1 2 3
4 5 6


The following macros are available inside the overridden method BaseProblem::Constraints(), BaseProblem::MultipleTestCasesConstraints(), and BaseProblem::SubtaskX().


Defines a constraint. predicate is a boolean expression, whose value must be completely determined by the values of the input variables (only).

For example:

void Subtask1() {
    CONS(A <= B && B <= 1000);

Generator configuration

The following methods are available inside the overridden method BaseGenerator::Config().

void setTestCasesDir(string testCasesDir)

Sets the directory for the generated test case files, relative to the location of the generator program.

If not specified, the default directory is "tc".

void setSolutionCommand(string solutionCommand)

Sets the command for executing the official solution. This will be used for generating test case output files. For each input files, this will be executed:

solutionCommand < [input filename] > [output filename]

If not specified, the default solution command is "./solution".

Test cases

The following macros are available inside the overridden method BaseGenerator::TestCases().

void assignToSubtasks(set<int> subtaskNumbers)

Assigns the current test test group to a set of subtasks.

For example:

void TestGroup1() {
    assignToSubtasks({1, 3});

    // test case definitions follow

The following macros are available inside the overridden method BaseGenerator::TestCases() and BaseGenerator::TestGroupX().

CASE(comma-separated statements)

Defines a test case.

statement should be one of:

  • assignment to an input variables
  • private method call that assigns values to one or more input variables

For example:

void TestCases() {
    CASE(N = 42, M = 100, randomArray());
    CASE(N = 1000, M = 1000, randomArray());

The following macros are available inside the overridden method BaseGenerator::SampleTestCases().

SAMPLE_CASE(list of lines[, list of subtask numbers])

Defines a sample test case. A sample test case is defined as an exact literal string, given as list of lines. list of subtask numbers are only valid in problems with subtasks.

For example, to define this sample test case:

1 2
3 4 5

You can do this way:

void SampleTestCases() {
        "1 2",
        "3 4 5"

for problems without subtasks. For problems with subtasks:

void SampleTestCases() {
        "1 2",
        "3 4 5"
    }, {1, 3});

assuming that the sample test case is assigned to subtasks 1 and 3.

Multiple sample test cases can be defined inside the same method.

Random number generator

The following methods are available on the random number generator rnd object inside a generator.

int nextInt(int minNum, int maxNum)

Returns a uniformly distributed random integer (int) between minNum and maxNum, inclusive.

int nextInt(int maxNumEx)

Returns a uniformly distributed random integer (int) between 0 and maxNumEx - 1, inclusive.

long long nextLongLong(long long minNum, long long maxNum)

Returns a uniformly distributed random integer (long long) between minNum and maxNum, inclusive.

long long nextLongLong(long long maxNumEx)

Returns a uniformly distributed random integer (long long) between 0 and maxNumEx - 1, inclusive.

double nextDouble(double minNum, double maxNum)

Returns a uniformly distributed random real number (double) between minNum and maxNum, inclusive.

double nextDouble(double maxNum)

Returns a uniformly distributed random real number (double) between 0 and maxNum, inclusive.

void shuffle(std::RandomAccessIterator first, std::RandomAccessIterator last)

Randomly shuffles the elements in [first, last). Use this rather than std::random_shuffle().

Command-line options

The following options can be specified when running the runner program. They mostly override the specified problem and generator configuration.


Overrides the slug specified by setSlug() in problem configuration.


Overrides the test cases directory specified by setTestCasesDir() in generator configuration.


Overrides the solution command specified by setSolutionCommand() in generator configuration.


Sets the seed for the random number generator rnd inside the generator.


Overrides the time limit specified by setTimeLimit() in problem configuration.


Overrides the memory limit specified by setMemoryLimit() in problem configuration.


Unsets the time limit specified by setTimeLimit() in problem configuration.


Unsets the memory limit specified by setMemoryLimit() in problem configuration.