Problem Styles

Currently, tcframe supports only batch-style problems, where the solution is expected to read the test cases from the standard input and write the answers to the standard output. There are some configurable options to this behavior, which can be specified in the StyleConfig() method of the problem spec class.

void StyleConfig() {
    // option specifications

The available options are as follows.

Custom scorer

Enabled by calling CustomScorer() inside StyleConfig().

A scorer is a program which decides the verdict of a test case. By default, the scorer is the simple diff program. If custom scorer is enabled, then you must provide the custom scorer program.

The custom scorer will receive the following arguments:

  • argv[1]: test case input filename
  • argv[2]: test case output filename
  • argv[3]: contestant’s produced output filename

The custom scorer must print the test case verdict to the standard output, which is a line consisting of either:

  • AC: indicates that the contestant’s output is correct
  • WA: indicates that the contestant’s output is incorrect

The custom scorer must be compiled prior test cases generation/local grading, and the execution command should be passed to the runner program as the --scorer option. For example:

./runner grade --solution=./solution_alt --scorer=./my_custom_scorer

The default scorer command is ./scorer if not specified.

Here is an example custom scorer which gives AC if the contestant’s output differs not more than 1e-9 with the official output.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int wa() {
    cout << "WA" << endl;
    return 0;

int ac() {
    cout << "AC" << endl;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    ifstream tc_in(argv[1]);
    ifstream tc_out(argv[2]);
    ifstream con_out(argv[3]);

    double tc_ans;
    tc_out >> tc_ans;

    double con_ans;
    if (!(con_out >> con_ans)) {
        return wa();

    if (abs(tc_ans - con_ans) < 1e-9) {
        return ac();
    } else {
        return wa();

No output

Enabled by calling NoOutput() inside StyleConfig().

Sometimes, a problem does not need test case output files (.out) because the scoring is done by a custom score alone. If this option is enabled, then .out files will not be generated, and it is not allowed to specify Output() in sample test cases.