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Local grading

TCFrame allows you to "grade" solutions locally, on your machine.

Before grading a solution, you must have already generated the test cases:


Then, to grade a solution, run:

./runner grade [--solution=<solution-command>]

where <solution-command> is the command for executing the solution. If it is omitted, the default is ./solution.

For example, suppose you have written a problem package for a problem. Your friend also has written an alternate solution to the problem, and he wants to check whether his solution agrees with yours. Let's assume that his solution file is solution_alt.cpp. Compile it into solution_alt, place it in the problem package, and then run

./runner grade --solution=./solution_alt

There are other flags available for use too. For complete set of flags see the API reference for local grading.

Grading config

The problem spec can specify the time and memory limits of the problem inside the GradingConfig() method as follows:

void GradingConfig() {
// options

The available options that can be called are:

  • TimeLimit(int timeLimitInSeconds)
  • MemoryLimit(int memoryLimitInMegabytes)

For example:

void GradingConfig() {

For now, the above time and memory limit information is only useful for local grading. The generated test cases do not contain any metadata containing this information.

You can also set the time and memory limits inline during local grading, using the --time-limit and --memory-limit options:

./runner grade --time-limit=2 --memory-limit=256

This will override what is set in GradingConfig().

Helper programs

If helper programs are present, they must be compiled prior to the local grading.


The scorer must be compiled and the execution command should be passed to the runner program as the --scorer option. For example:

./runner grade --solution=./solution_alt --scorer=./my_custom_scorer

The default scorer command is ./scorer if not specified.


The communicator must be compiled and the execution command should be passed to the runner program as the --communicator option. For example:

./runner grade --solution=./solution_alt --communicator=./my_communicator

The default communicator command is ./communicator if not specified.


The local grading execution will output the verdict of each test case, each subtask (if any), as well as the overall verdict.

Test case verdicts, from the best to the worst, are as follows:

AcceptedThe output produced by the solution is correct.
Scorer/communicator (if present) gives AC verdict.
OK [<points>]The output produced by the solution is partially correct.
Scorer/communicator (if present) gives OK verdict.
Runtime ErrorThe solution crashed or used memory above the limit, if specified.
Time Limit ExceededThe solution did not stop within the time limit, if specified.
Internal ErrorCustom scorer / communicator (if any) crashed or did not give a valid verdict.

A subtask's verdict is simply the worst verdict out of all its test cases. If all test cases are Accepted, its points will be the one given by the Points() call in the SubtaskX() method; otherwise, the points will be 0.

The overall verdict is the worst verdict out of all test cases.

Example local grading output

Here is a sample output of a local grading for problems without subtasks.

Local grading with solution command: './solution_alt'...

k-product_sample_1: Accepted

k-product_1: Accepted
k-product_2: Accepted
k-product_3: OK [21]
k-product_4: Wrong Answer
* scorer Diff:
(expected) [line 01] 11
(received) [line 01] 12

Wrong Answer [71]

and here is for problems with subtasks.

Local grading with solution command: './solution_alt'...

k-product_sample_1: Accepted

k-product_1_1: Accepted

k-product_2_1: Accepted
k-product_2_2: Accepted
k-product_2_3: Accepted

k-product_3_1: Accepted
k-product_3_2: Wrong Answer
* scorer: Diff:
(expected) [line 01] 11
(received) [line 01] 12

k-product_3_3: Accepted

k-product_4_1: Accepted
k-product_4_2: Accepted
k-product_4_3: Accepted
k-product_4_4: Accepted
k-product_4_5: Accepted
k-product_4_6: Runtime Error
* Execution of solution failed:
- Exit code: 1
- Standard error:

Subtask 1: Accepted [40]
Subtask 2: Wrong Answer [0]
Subtask 3: Runtime Error [0]

Runtime Error [40]

This local grading feature is useful for creating "unit tests" for your test cases. For each problem, you can write many solutions with different intended results. For example, solution_123.cpp should pass subtasks 1 - 3; solution_12.cpp should pass subtasks 1 and 2 but not subtask 3, etc.

Brief mode

You can pass an additional --brief argument to make the output concise. This is primarily intended to be consumed by scripts instead of human eyes.

The first line of the output contains the overall the verdict in the following format:

<code> <points>

where the code mapping is:

  • AC: Accepted
  • OK: OK
  • WA: Wrong Answer
  • RTE: Runtime Error
  • TLE: Time Limit Exceeded
  • ERR: Internal Error

If the problem has subtasks, the subtask verdicts will be output in the following lines, one line per subtask verdict ordered by subtask number, in the same format as above.

The sample outputs from the previous sections would become the following using --brief argument:

WA 71


RTE 40
AC 40
WA 0

Internally, TCFrame uses ulimit to limit the time and memory used when running the solution. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to restrict memory limit on OS X, so the memory limit will be always ignored when using this feature on OS X.