Problem specification

A problem specification is a formal representation of a problem statement/description. It is the first step and the source of truth of the entire preparation of a problem. Once a problem specification is finalized, the corresponding generator specification and a reference solution can then be written.

In tcframe, a problem specification is implemented as a class that inherits tcframe::BaseProblem. The class name can be arbitrary, but usually there is no reason to name the class other than Problem.

class Problem : public BaseProblem {

All members of this class must go in the protected section, except for private helper methods.

Configuring problem

Several properties of the problem can be configured by overriding Config() method. In the method, we can set a property by calling the appropriate method as follows.

By calling setSlug(<slug>). A slug is a simple name, codename, or identifier for the problem. For example: aplusb, wf-2016-a, tree-paint, etc. The resulting test case files will be prefixed by the slug, for example:
Time limit
By calling setTimeLimit(<timeLimit>). Time limit is specified in seconds. Time limit will be enforced when simulating submissoin.
Memory limit
By calling setTimeLimit(<memoryLimit>). Memory limit is specified in megabytes. Similarly, it will be enforced when simulating submission.

Here is an example of a valid problem configuration:

void Config() {